

Musings on personal finance and more...

You can still save for retirement after you’ve retired

If your circumstances permit it, you can continue to save for your future for many years after your retirement. We tend to think of retirement as an event. One day you are working, and boom, the next day, you’re retired. … Read MoreRead More

Do you need a money reset?

I discuss what it means to have a money reset, and introduce my new mini-course on how to start over with money. It’s common in discussions of mental health to talk about a “reset”. One area for resets is in … Read MoreRead More

How to plan for a windfall

From an inheritance to vested stock options, you have to have a plan for what to do with a windfall of money before you get it in your hands. A while back, I wrote a post about what to do … Read MoreRead More

Want to get an allowance? Make a budget.

Many think that making a budget is a restriction, but it’s actually the opposite: an allowance to spend money. I remember when I was a kid, I got an allowance from my parents. I loved it. Who wouldn’t love an … Read MoreRead More

You have a high income, so why don’t you have any money?

I debunk the myth that there is a correlation between earning a lot of money and having a lot of money, because it isn’t always true. Isn’t it amazing the vast disparities in income? I know someone who pulls in … Read MoreRead More

How to manage pistotikophobia: Fear of your credit score

Many have an unhelpful and unnecessary fear surrounding their credit score, known as pistotikophobia; here is what it is and how to treat it. Phobias are common. Fear of heights, fear of the dark, fear of flying. But there is … Read MoreRead More

What if your partner isn’t on board with making financial changes?

You may be excited to work on your financial wellness, but your partner might be resistant. Here’s how to reduce conflict and get more aligned. Financial wellness is a journey, and usually a bumpy one. Often, the journey has a … Read MoreRead More

Are you really earning rewards from your credit cards?

I discuss the reasons why people say they put everyday spending on credit cards, and ask whether the rewards are really worth it. My biggest professional challenge, by far, is how to convince people not to put their everyday spending … Read MoreRead More

What’s your Money Attachment Style?

I apply Attachment Theory to financial wellness, and show that people have their own Money Attachment Style. You can find out yours, too. Attachment Theory is fascinating. If you’re not familiar with it, it is the study of how humans … Read MoreRead More

Who needs coaching more: those with higher or lower income?

A discussion on how your income level and assets can affect your specific needs for coaching and financial wellness. Money coaching isn’t exactly a new field, but it’s unfamiliar to enough people that I find myself having to define it … Read MoreRead More

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