debt payoff

Was the student loan moratorium bad for borrowers?

It’s hard to argue that the student loan payment moratorium was somehow bad for borrowers. But some economists are still trying. … Read More

Past due: What to do when you’re behind on your debts

Getting current with past due debts is one of the most urgent tasks for you to take care of, pretty much before you do anything else. I’ve talked about how to pay off debt. That’s that “debt snowball” thing you … Read MoreRead More

Why not keep your debt and use the cash flow?

There is a school of thought that you can use leverage to create cash flow without ever needing to pay off debt. But there’s a small problem. I was recently listening to a radio show hosted by a real estate … Read MoreRead More

Beyond the Debt Snowball: Other ways to pay off debt (and are they worth it?)

I look at some non-traditional methods of paying off debt to see if they are any better than the Debt Snowball method. The problem: you have multiple debts, all with varying amounts, interest rates, and payback timelines. Some are secured … Read MoreRead More

Can you imagine life without debt?

Being able to envision what it would be like to be free from debt can help motivate you to take the steps necessary to make it a reality. For many, debt is a way of life. Or rather, it has … Read MoreRead More

You can’t pay off your debt until you do this first

If you’re trying to pay off debt without making sure that you’ve done all the necessary work first, you’ll never make any progress. Debt looms large in our financial thoughts. For example, in a list of 50 hashtags in the … Read MoreRead More

How to pay off a $10,000 debt

Paying off debt requires drive, focus, patience, and accountability. In this post I show how you can pay off a large debt. In a recent YouTube video, I talked about a hypothetical $10,000 debt. Now, for many people, this sort … Read MoreRead More

How to take advantage of a student loan payment freeze

During the student loan payment and interest freeze, if you are able to make payments now, you’ll have a much greater impact on your loans. A lot of the benefits that were passed to ease the crisis for people dealing … Read MoreRead More