
Fleet week airplanes

How to search dozens of airports at once to figure out where to travel

Most of the time, we know where we want to fly. We want to find the right price, and we also usually have a little bit of play in the date and time. But what about the times when you … Read MoreRead More

Plate with fork

The pleasures and sorrows of ordering a special meal in flight

I’ve talked about how anyone can order a special meal on a flight if it’s one of the rare ones that still serve meals. It just so happens that I had such a flight recently, flying British Airways from Seattle (SEA) … Read MoreRead More

Lunch pail

Why not order a special meal on your flight?

Long gone are the days where one got served meals on flights by default. These days, you may get served a meal if you’re flying domestic first class, but aside from that, you really only get something approximating a meal … Read MoreRead More

How to determine where to travel next

  I have a travel goal. Every year, I travel to a new country. Seeing one new country in a year is possible without quitting your job or being independently wealthy. In fact, it’s a challenge that starts out rather … Read MoreRead More

Why not to trust frequent flyer programs

  If you’re at all familiar with frequent flyer programs, you generally know that you earn “miles” for flying, generally one mile per mile flown. That’s the way it’s always been, as far as I can tell since the very … Read MoreRead More

Clearing customs before boarding? US preclearance at Dublin Airport

  The standard way to reenter the US when flying is as follows: 1. Check in 2. Go through security 3. Fly 4. Go through customs What this means, in a practical sense is: 1. Wait in line 2. Wait … Read MoreRead More

How to get fake internet for free when flying

  I’m one of those people who thinks it’s nice not to have internet access everywhere and at all times. It’s one of the reasons why I don’t use a smartphone, but also, it’s one of the reasons why I … Read MoreRead More

What is the purpose of a refundable airline ticket?

  I always want to write about topics that are interesting and useful to my readers, but I also know that everyone is at different places. Some people are working on getting out of debt, so things like investing and … Read MoreRead More

The importance of reconnecting with the joys of flight

  It seems obvious to the point of banality to complain about air travel these days. From the dehumanizing and pointless security to the dehumanized and surly people (both employees and fellow travelers). The lines. The screaming kids. The delays. … Read MoreRead More

Can I help you plan a flight?

  “You could totally make a business out of that.” I was explaining the various details of my upcoming mileage run to my dinner companion. She must have noticed the wildness in my eyes as I talked excitedly about connections, … Read MoreRead More