
How to make more money

If you have a job and you want to make more money, I’ve got a plan to help you get there. (Just figure out how much you want first.) I’ve spent lots of time talking about the problems around the … Read MoreRead More

Blue gate

Why people stop at wanting “more”

So I’ve talked about the problem with just saying that you “want more”. In most contexts, I hear it about money, but there are plenty of other areas where we use this wording. People want “more” time. People want “more” … Read MoreRead More

My ideas for my new country for the year

  All this talk about me helping you decide where your next “new country” trip is going to be rather sidesteps the slightly uncomfortable fact that I myself don’t actually know where my own “new country” trip is going to … Read MoreRead More

How to determine where to travel next

  I have a travel goal. Every year, I travel to a new country. Seeing one new country in a year is possible without quitting your job or being independently wealthy. In fact, it’s a challenge that starts out rather … Read MoreRead More

How to do college wrong

  There were parts of college that I did pretty stupidly. I mean, I guess everyone is stupid in college in some way, but I mean that I made some decisions (or rather, didn’t make some decisions) that I would … Read MoreRead More

The importance of a shared financial strategy for couples

  In my post about how couples can combine their finances, I ended by stating that if there was any wrong answer on the many ways that such commingling was possible, it was to not talk about your strategy. If … Read MoreRead More

How couples can combine their finances

  So, you found that special someone, and decided to take the leap, either toward cohabitation, or civil union, or marriage, or anything that merits the phrase “take the leap“. Congrats! I bet one thing you’re not thinking about in all … Read MoreRead More