Can I help you plan a flight?


“You could totally make a business out of that.”

I was explaining the various details of my upcoming mileage run to my dinner companion. She must have noticed the wildness in my eyes as I talked excitedly about connections, layovers, and hours spent looking at various flight options. After all, it’s a rare person who gets passionate about such a patently laborious process.

But I love it. I could spend hours—actually I have spent hours—pouring over flight options, trying to figure out the best, cheapest, or most interesting way to get from A to B, often via C, D, and E, if possible.

Yes, I actually look at this stuff for fun.
Yes, I actually look at this stuff for fun.

I know a lot of you hate this part of the process. Many of you just want someone else to figure out the details and let you know when the damn thing is booked. And I can’t blame you in the slightest.

So I ask: can I help you plan your flight itinerary?

Here are some reasons why you may benefit from having a more experienced travel booking partner:

  • Perhaps you’re trying to find the cheapest flight during the holidays or other peak period.
  • Perhaps you want to go to Europe, and don’t know your options on how to craft the trip.
  • Perhaps you’ve got some frequent flyer miles and want to know how you can maximize their value.
  • Perhaps you’re planning a big trip in the future, and want to know the best strategies to make it happen.

Services like Book Your Award and Points Pros offer this kind of service, and while I haven’t personally used these services, I would recommend them. These services will figure out your travel for the price of a few hundred dollars, which when you factor in benefits like the ability to find hard-to-find routing options, is more than worth the price.

And I want to offer the same type of booking service, but at least for a short period time, without charging for it.

Why? Because I want to help others, because I’m crazy enough to think this is fun, because I want to get more experience at booking travel (award travel or otherwise), and because I want to see if there’s enough demand out there to form a business.

Here’s an example of some of my prior work helping people get the most out of their travel. Wouldn’t you like to have a story like that? What if I could help you potentially save lots of money on your travels, or enable you to travel to places that you didn’t think you could?

I of course can’t guarantee that I magically get you a half-price flight, or an award booking on a sold-out flight, or anything else like that. But if I decide to take your case, I’m sure we’ll have some fun, and that you’ll learn something in the process.

So if you’ve got the jones for travel, and want help from someone who’s flown hundreds of thousands of miles, contact me and let’s chat.

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