credit cards

The 1% Rule: How to know when to move your money

Not every deal necessitates the hassle of moving your money or accounts around, but the 1% Rule is a good threshold to keep in mind. … Read More

Better financial habits are easier when you stop using credit cards

The simple act of not using credit cards will naturally lead you into all sorts of other better financial habits too. … Read More

A better way to pay your credit card bill

To make the purchases feel more real, and thus add some more intentionality, why not pay off the charges in just the way that you put them on? … Read More

Did credit cards ever make financial sense?

The original purpose of credit cards, to buy something without paying for it yet, was never a good financial decision. … Read More

Hurting the poor: Another case against credit cards

You may think that by paying off credit cards that the only one that loses is the credit card company. But interchange fees say otherwise. … Read More

What are the credit cards I use in my business?

Take a look behind the scenes and learn about the credit cards I use in my financial coaching business and why. I started my financial coaching business informally almost a decade ago, but it was a few years later that … Read MoreRead More

What are your big money moves?

I discuss the high-level “money moves”, the important decisions you can make that will be the most impactful in your financial life. I hope by this point you’re not under the belief that just by cutting out coffee or by … Read MoreRead More

How to manage pistotikophobia: Fear of your credit score

Many have an unhelpful and unnecessary fear surrounding their credit score, known as pistotikophobia; here is what it is and how to treat it. Phobias are common. Fear of heights, fear of the dark, fear of flying. But there is … Read MoreRead More

Are you really earning rewards from your credit cards?

I discuss the reasons why people say they put everyday spending on credit cards, and ask whether the rewards are really worth it. My biggest professional challenge, by far, is how to convince people not to put their everyday spending … Read MoreRead More

Can you imagine life without debt?

Being able to envision what it would be like to be free from debt can help motivate you to take the steps necessary to make it a reality. For many, debt is a way of life. Or rather, it has … Read MoreRead More