Dave Ramsey

Debunking Ben & Arthur: How to win at investing even if you start later

The parable from the Dave Ramsey team about Ben and Arthur is fatally flawed, which is good news for pretty much everyone. Everyone knows that you should start saving for retirement early. And that makes sense. The sooner you start, … Read MoreRead More

Five reasons why my approach is better than Dave Ramsey

I discuss the many shortcomings of the Dave Ramsey approach to personal finance, and show better ways to help more people. I’ve mentioned Dave Ramsey numerous times over the years. I’m not here to bash Dave, at least not without … Read MoreRead More

Is financial fitness more important than physical fitness?

I talk about how our culture leads people to focus unnecessarily on weight loss, instead of their own financial wellness. There are countless analogies between money wellness and health wellness. There’s a financial coaching outfit called The Financial Gym, which … Read MoreRead More

Why I want to be the “Dave Ramsey for the heathens”

Dave Ramsey has helped millions, but he ignores LGBT, polyamory, and nontraditional communities. So I’m bringing the good ideas to everyone. Are you familiar with “The Five Love Languages” book by Gary Chapman? It’s a book that describes the different … Read MoreRead More

What does the data say? Reading The National Study of Millionaires

I review the National Study of Millionaires, the largest study of millionaires ever undertaken, by Chris Hogan and the Dave Ramsey team. Not too long ago, I reviewed the book “Everyday Millionaires: How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth—and How You … Read MoreRead More

Little robot

Chris Hogan’s Retire Inspired: Another bionic book?

Years from now, when the internet is as obscure and unknowable as Linear A, archaeologists are going to unearth books, still well-preserved, that say things like: “If you haven’t taken the R:IQ assessment yet, do it now! Take it for … Read MoreRead More


My take on Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps (Part 2, Baby Steps 4-7)

This post is part of a two-part series: My take on Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps (Part 1, Baby Steps 1-3b) My take on Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps (Part 2, Baby Steps 4-7) In my last post, I talked … Read MoreRead More

Mud crawling

My take on Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps (Part 1, Baby Steps 1-3b)

I offer my opinion and review of each of Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps, starting with Baby Steps 1, 2, 3, and the often-forgotten Baby Step 3b. This post is part of a two-part series: My take on Dave Ramsey’s 7 … Read MoreRead More

Can you be heard without an extreme message?

  It’s often a good thing for there to be some people who hold extreme viewpoints. In the technology world, we need people like Richard Stallman to talk about how free (libre, not gratis) software is necessary for a society … Read MoreRead More