
Eventually, all you’ll have is excuses

A challenge to you to rise above whatever it is that you believe is holding you back. … Read More

The surprise I got from spending only cash for a month

  For the past month, I have spent nothing but cash for all my expenses. (Bills were paid automatically.) You can read about why I did this in greater detail, but more than anything, I basically just wanted to see … Read MoreRead More

A month of living cash-only

  I’ve talked about how to spend money. When you think about it, it’s a surprisingly complex decision, and one that takes place many times a day. I’ve hammered home the point about the dangers of putting everyday spending on … Read MoreRead More

Challenge: Travel to one new country every year

Got any travel plans for this year? Still think that travel isn’t in the cards for you, despite your wish to the contrary? I have a challenge for you. And I think you can achieve it, both this year and … Read MoreRead More