

Year in review 2018: My top 10 favorite posts

Happy end of the year! It’s that time when I take a little bit of time off from my standard posting schedule and instead have a recap of the best posts of the year, as determined in two ways: the … Read More


You don’t need to wait until you’re old or rich to see the world

I’ve been in Scotland for the past week, the first time I’ve been here in about twenty years. The first time I was here was on a break from college. I had taken a spring semester off, and was planning … Read MoreRead More

Five years in review: Your top 10 favorite posts from 2012-2017

And just like how I detailed my all-time top 10 favorite posts, I decided to do the same with yours. Now, I know this couldn’t really be a good list of everyone’s “favorite” posts. But Google Analytics does a good … Read MoreRead More

Five years in review: My top 10 favorite posts from 2012-2017

I’ve been writing this site for over five years. Wow. Every year I do a round up of both my favorite posts and your favorite posts. But with the five-year mark passed, I decided to take a look back. All the … Read MoreRead More

London Eye

Year in review 2017: Your top 10 favorite posts

It’s not all about me. While I wrote about my favorite posts for this year, I’m much more interested in your favorites. So I fired up my Google Analytics, that imperfect measure of interest, and looked up what were the … Read MoreRead More

End of year ball

Year in review 2017: My top 10 favorite posts

Well here we are, on the cusp of the end of a huge year. Every year seems to be both over in a flash and incredibly long, and this year was no different. But on balance, this year was pretty … Read MoreRead More

Dawn field

Does frequent travel conflict with financial well-being?

If you’ve been reading this site for a while, you’ve no doubt seen me periodically talk about my quest to see one new country a year. You might find this topic potentially a diversion, even perhaps antithetical, to much of … Read MoreRead More


The new country I will travel to in 2019…or maybe 2020

Did anyone notice anything strange in the sky this past Monday? Or, failing that, did you notice anyone looking at the sky wearing (hopefully) something that looked uncannily like 3D glasses? Of course I kid. Over a large swath of … Read MoreRead More

Vishu Kani

Year in review 2016: Your top 10 favorite posts

I wrote about my favorite posts for this year. But what about yours? Just like I did in 2015, 2014, and 2013, I ran a report and came up with the ten most-read posts for this year. … Read More

Year in review 2016: My top 10 favorite posts

What a year it’s been. This site has now been humming along for over four years now. As I continue to post twice per week, that means that there are over a hundred posts on this site over the past … Read MoreRead More