Year in review 2017: My top 10 favorite posts

End of year ball

Well here we are, on the cusp of the end of a huge year.

Every year seems to be both over in a flash and incredibly long, and this year was no different. But on balance, this year was pretty amazing, filled with love, adventure, and some successes. I hope yours was the same.

As I’ve done for 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013, I present to you my top 10 favorite posts of the year (measured from December to December). As I publish over 100 posts in a given year, there is a high likelihood that there is something interesting that you’ve missed. It also presents an opportunity to reread something you might have liked.

It’s a good opportunity to look back on the year with all that’s happened. I hope you’ll join me.

Happy reading!

My list

1. You’ll never believe what we can do to reduce the prevalence of clickbait and fake news—Joking title aside, this post talks about the importance of real, quality journalism in a world where it seems like too often the truth doesn’t matter anymore. It does.

2. How to calculate your true account balance at the end of the month—Tracking expenses is great and all, but if you don’t check your work, how will you know if if you’re doing it right? This post will help you find your starting/ending monthly account balances.

3. If you’re still unsure about what method to use to pay off your debt—Debt snowball? Debt avalanche? Debt blunderbuss? How can you choose?

4. Is there someone at the IRS who’s a math lover?—Numbers contain patterns, and patterns are beautiful. I found a beautiful pattern in the aggregate tax rate, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

5. Your past performance doesn’t guarantee your future results—People are often referring to investments, but you can use the same phrase to move yourself forward.

6. Uber now allows tips: What’s 20% of $0?—Uber and it’s ilk are that rare type of entity that encompasses so many things that are wrong with our society. I rarely get so pointed in my arguments, but some things need to be stood up for, such as people who work for a living. You know, like most of us.

7. 8 mistakes people make that can drastically affect their financial health—A cheat sheet that distills many of the principles that I talk about on this site. Read this if you want a good summary of things here.

8. If you’re not wealthy, is it your fault?—Unbelievably, there are many who think so. I can only hope that they haven’t really thought it through, but it certainly speaks to a cultural/structural lack of empathy. We need to change this.

9. If you don’t understand it, don’t invest in it—Don’t just check boxes, do some research. It’s overwhelming, I know, but it’s your financial future. Take charge of it.

10. 6 example ways to invest your 15%—I believe that putting 15% of your income toward retirement (once you’re debt-free and with a good emergency fund), is vital. But with all the account options (401ks, IRAs, etc.) , how do you determine where to put your money? This post answers that question by way of some examples, one of which is likely to match your situation.

Thank you!

As always, thank you so much for reading, and especially for everyone who has contributed and made your voice heard. Special thanks to everyone who has shared a post to their friends. This site relies on its readers and subscribers to help spread the word, so let’s keep it going in the new year!

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