Five years in review: Your top 10 favorite posts from 2012-2017

And just like how I detailed my all-time top 10 favorite posts, I decided to do the same with yours.

Now, I know this couldn’t really be a good list of everyone’s “favorite” posts. But Google Analytics does a good job of measuring interest (even if it’s not good interest!) via its page views, and it’s the best I have to work with.

So, according to your page views, here are the all-time top 10 posts, as measured by you.

Your all-time top 10 list

10. Why Charles Dickens’ Micawber was only half right—Wilkins Micawber, a character in David Copperfield, is famous primarily for a glib quote he utters. I thought about that oft-uttered quote, and when I applied it to float, I realized that what’s even better than having something unexpectedly is to actually expect it. Perhaps this itself was unexpected.

9. Travel hacking to get the whirlpool suite in a sold-out hotel—I wish this worked all the time. I really do. But that’s the thing with travel hacking: the deals are sometimes opportunistic. Instead of reading from a script, you look for possibilities and use them to your best advantage. This might not get you the whirlpool suite (though it might), but it could get you another deal that’s even better. It never hurts to try.

8. How much float do you need?—I’m very happy this made the list. Float is a measure of how much money you have in your checking account at a given time. It’s a very important thing, as it can affect when you can pay bills, and can prevent overdraft situations. And yet, I usually don’t hear people talking about it. Do you want only $50 in your account at the end of the month? I think not. Here’s how much you do need.

7. What to do when you go over budget—Another one that seems to have struck a chord. For some people, going over budget happens a lot. And while we strive to make this a non-occurrence, the truth is that no matter how diligent you are, sometimes the plan will get away from you. Me too! That is okay. Here’s what you do next.

6. Your right to park on your street—People feel very strongly about parking. And while I get that, public property is not yours for the taking. You did not buy the street in front of your home. If you live in a city and are grumpy about having to park a few blocks away from your place, it’s hard to have much sympathy. We live in a place. If you don’t want that, the suburbs are always waiting.

5. How to handle unstructured time (when you finally get it)—One of those posts that I myself return to from time to time for insight and reminders. We all go and go and rush and rush and then (finally!) we find some space to breathe. And then we don’t know what to do with ourselves. This can cause a lot of anxiety. Fortunately, you can prepare for moments like these.

4. Challenge: Travel to one new country every year—Oh, how I hope folks are inspired to follow along here. I challenge you to keep travel in your priority list. And I believe most people can go to a new country each year, though it takes planning and intentionality. Which, coincidentally, are the very same traits that will help you succeed in every other area we talk about here. Go.

3. Tony Robbins’ finance app, or how the end of history is already happening—People think that the internet is scary because nothing can be erased from it. But it’s actually the reverse: everything can and will be erased from it. And that’s even scarier. Just look at this Tony Robbins book which references (and relies upon) a website that no longer exists. Whoops.

2. How to live on a very tight budget—Eventually, with enough effort and patience, we will become comfortable and even wealthy. But most people don’t start out there. In fact, most people start out with a tremendous amount of headwind to their progress. While I’ve come a long way, I do not forget how tough it was starting out. But once you figure out how to live on a tight budget, you’ll be more able to live on a bigger one. That’s just how it works.

1. Become a Trusted Traveler with NEXUS (and get your eyeballs scanned)—So this is the most viewed post on my entire site? I can handle that. Since travel is so important to my life, and such a great teacher of so many lessons, anything that makes it easier to travel is good by me. And that’s especially true when there’s a minimal charge for maximum gain. Joining the Trusted Traveler Program (or an equivalent for your country) is to me such an obvious choice that pretty much everyone would benefit. And yes, you too can get your eyeballs scanned. It’s actually pretty cool.

And there you have it! Five years in, these were the posts that were viewed most often. I have to say I’m surprised by some of the entries on this list, but that doesn’t matter. It’s not for me to say what will resonate the most with others, and at any rate, I’m just thankful you’re reading and contributing.

As we move into the next year, I’m excited to keep this project going. My purpose here is to help you, all of you, become more focused and intentional in your lives, utilizing money, that lightning rod that affects every aspect of your life, to make it all happen. We’ve done some good work so far. Let’s keep going.

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