Joe Biden

Student loan cancellation is dead: what now?

The Supreme Court has cancelled student loan cancellation. Here’s what to do now that that particular plan is dead. … Read More

Student loan forgiveness is happening: Why it’s amazing (and futile?)

I respond to the recent announcement of student loan forgiveness by the Biden administration. By now you’ve all heard the news: the Biden administration announced a $10,000 reduction in the balances of student loans for some borrowers, and $20,000 reduction … Read MoreRead More

The American Rescue Plan diffuses a student loan tax bomb

The American Rescue Plan signed by Joe Biden makes student loan forgiveness tax-free, which has huge implications for millions of people. Boy, it’s nice to have adults running this country again, isn’t it? Paul Krugman of the New York Times … Read MoreRead More

Don’t stop, no matter how (painfully) long it takes

In light of the 2020 election, it’s worth remembering that some dreams take years to come true. Or even decades. History says, Don’t hopeOn this side of the grave,But then, once in a lifetimeThe longed-for tidal waveOf justice can rise … Read MoreRead More

Lynn Cove Viaduct

Why not just track all of your spending as a single category?

I believe that everyone can optimize their spending habits, and without much in the way of sacrifice. I didn’t say “zero sacrifice”. We can’t all jet off to Hawaii whenever we want it. (Not without consequence, anyway.) But I also … Read MoreRead More

What do you value?

  Joe Biden, the current US Vice President as of the time of writing (and possibly the most famous person from Delaware), is on record with a great quote: “Don’t tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and … Read MoreRead More