student loan forgiveness

Student loan cancellation is dead: what now?

The Supreme Court has cancelled student loan cancellation. Here’s what to do now that that particular plan is dead. … Read More

Sign up for student loan debt relief right now

Student loan debt relief is here, but Republicans are trying to stop it from happening. You should sign up now anyway. In August of this year, President Biden announced that millions of people would be getting some or all of … Read MoreRead More

Student loan forgiveness is happening: Why it’s amazing (and futile?)

I respond to the recent announcement of student loan forgiveness by the Biden administration. By now you’ve all heard the news: the Biden administration announced a $10,000 reduction in the balances of student loans for some borrowers, and $20,000 reduction … Read MoreRead More

You paid your student loans. Others won’t. How is that for you?

Hearing of borrowers getting their student loans forgiven can be hard for those who paid all of theirs off, but here’s why it’s good for you. With regularity, there are stories coming out that more and more people are having … Read MoreRead More

The Loan Simulator: Finding your best option for student loan repayment

Explore an official tool called the “Loan Simulator” which shows you how to find the best repayment strategy for your student loans. I have a confession. When it comes to student loans, I can’t keep the different repayment options in … Read MoreRead More

The American Rescue Plan diffuses a student loan tax bomb

The American Rescue Plan signed by Joe Biden makes student loan forgiveness tax-free, which has huge implications for millions of people. Boy, it’s nice to have adults running this country again, isn’t it? Paul Krugman of the New York Times … Read MoreRead More