home ownership

Would you rather: buy a new car or own a home?

I argue that for most people, you can choose to buy a new car or own a home (if you can have either of them at all), but not both. … Read More

The Buy/Rent Calculator tells it like it is

The New York Times calculator showing whether to rent or buy a home is more cost-effective has a lot of wisdom, even with unhappy news. … Read More

How not to be house poor

Home ownership can be a financial disaster if you’re not careful, and one of the ways to prevent this is to not be “house poor”. … Read More

Will millennials benefit from the largest wealth transfer in history?

Millennials have gotten the short end of the economic stick for most of their adult lives. But this bad luck might be about to change. … Read More

40 year mortgages are here (maybe). Would you want one?

To help more people afford homes, there is talk of a new 40 year mortgage product. This of course would not help who it is supposed to. … Read More

Why the 30 year mortgage is actually uncommon

The U.S. is an outlier in offering a 30 year mortgage. Here’s why that is, and why you still want to be able to pay it off faster. It’s official: 30 year fixed-rate mortgages in the U.S. have reached 7%. … Read MoreRead More

Why everything today is more unaffordable

If you think people today are finding that homes, cars, and student loans are unaffordable, well, you’re right. Have you ever watched Company Man on YouTube? His videos take a look at businesses, primarily restaurants, and talks about how they … Read MoreRead More

Eviction in the pandemic: Owning versus renting

There is a big difference in how quickly eviction can occur for renters versus owners when dealing with non-payment of rent or mortgage. The to-rent-versus-to-own issue when it comes to housing is a tough one. And that’s assuming you have … Read MoreRead More

Why the home mortgage interest deduction is a disappointment

UPDATE: I originally made a math error below, and have corrected it. Apologies. UPDATE #2: I have another take on this. “Oh you’ve got a mortgage now!” goes Conventional Wisdom. “Now your taxes will be lower because you’ll be able to … Read MoreRead More

The homeowner’s “garden”: a little equity grows

  Have you ever bought a home? Well, if you only have a single full time job, and want another one on top of it, well, this is the plan for you. Everything in this process seems to have resulted … Read MoreRead More