
Machu Picchu cliff

The hesitation before putting extra money toward a big goal

Recently, I found myself in the situation where I had a little extra money. Not a ton, you understand, but it felt significant to me. Now, as I’ve argued before, the first thing you do when you receive an unexpected … Read MoreRead More

Year in review 2014: Your top 10 favorite posts

  It doesn’t necessarily matter what my favorite posts for the year are. I’m more curious what has resonated with you. So without being able to ask each and every one of you, I’ve compiled your top 10 posts from … Read MoreRead More

Year in review 2014: My top 10 favorite posts

  Last year, I highlighted my top 10 favorite posts for the year, and with the year closing out I decided to do it again. This gives you a chance to read some things you may have missed, and also … Read MoreRead More

Get my new e-book: Stick It To The Man!

  I’m excited to announce that I’ve written an e-book! This manifesto-sized book is called “Stick It To The Man! A primer on how to live and thrive inside the system.” It’s full of ideas and meditations on practicing abundance, … Read MoreRead More

How badly do you want it?

  Stop for a second and think about what you want most. It could be worldly or ethereal, it doesn’t matter. And to be clear, I mean the first idea that came to mind. Don’t skip over it because you … Read MoreRead More

Year in review 2013: Your top 10 favorite posts

  This site is as much about you as it is about me, so coming off the heels of my top 10 favorite posts for the year, I thought I would also highlight your top 10 favorite posts. As I … Read MoreRead More

Year in review 2013: My top 10 favorite posts

  With the year closing out, I thought it would be fun to highlight some of my favorite posts from this year that you may have missed. With two posts a week, that’s over 100 posts, so I’m sure new … Read MoreRead More

Is personal responsibility enough?

  As should be pretty obvious by now if you’ve been reading for a while, you know that I’m a very big fan of taking responsibility for your own life, and specifically your finances. (And, if not, welcome!) I believe … Read MoreRead More

You must fight the Tired

  Life is tiring. Anyone who brings up an argument like, “What? You only work eight hours a day, so you have sixteen hours left” is either myopic or trying to sell you something. If you’re single, then you need … Read MoreRead More

Pay what you owe (and take the high road)

  Last time I talked about how I automate all my bills, and recommend that you do the same. But during the course of my argument, I dropped in this statement: …most of all, your record will say that you … Read MoreRead More