Year in review 2013: Your top 10 favorite posts


This site is as much about you as it is about me, so coming off the heels of my top 10 favorite posts for the year, I thought I would also highlight your top 10 favorite posts.

As I know people are shy, I compiled this list based on statistics I keep on my site. I of course don’t know who you are unless you comment or contact me, but I do see how many people visit each page.

So out of all the different topics I wrote about this year, this is what you read the most, listed in standard Top 10 style:

Your list

10. How to handle unstructured time (when you finally get it)—We are taught to be busy. We crave little or no down time. And yet, in a contradictory way, we also crave it. Here’s how to handle it and not go crazy when we get it.

9. Bookshelf: Doris #15 DIY Antidepression GuideCindy Crabb, author of this amazing zine / handbook-for-life called Doris, doesn’t seem to communicate very much over the web, so people searching for this often-out-of-print zine came here for the review.

8. What is the difference between a friend and a love?—Friendship is important. Loving is important. My contention is that hard lines between these are more arbitrary and culturally-imposed than we think. Many people came to my site for the first time through searching for this topic, so clearly it struck a nerve.

7. How much float do you need?—If you have $3.74 cents in your checking account and $500 in a savings account, you’re doing it wrong. Float gives you flexibility and peace of mind.

6. Is there ever a reason to buy a new car?—I’ll give you a hint: No. Or at least, not until you’re wealthy. But read on to find out why.

5. What to do when you go over budget—It happens. It happened to me, and I write about budgets all the time.

4. Greedy Lying Bastards, or how not to make a difference—A movie review-turned-takedown of the pernicious effect of car-centric thinking, this one makes the list because it was picked up by Strong Towns, a great site about building strong and sustainable communities through planning and design. If you haven’t checked out that site, please do.

3. Travel hacking to get free hotels—More of an intro to the art of travel hacking than an experience of getting a free hotel, but to say that you can get a hotel room at a major chain for effectively nothing is nothing to be sneezed at.

2. Anyone can get hotel elite status—It’s true. And free. And surprisingly easy. Hotel elite status gives you great perks like free breakfast, late checkout, and other  priorities. Not bad.

1. Travel hacking to get the whirlpool suite in a sold-out hotel—I wish I could say that this shows you a foolproof and reproducible way of doing what I did, but sometimes it’s all up to the fates. That said, there are some ways that you can influence those fates, and that’s what this post talks about.

Thanks for reading everyone! If you like one of these, won’t you perhaps share one of these links with your friends? I’d appreciate it.

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