Year in review 2014: Your top 10 favorite posts


It doesn’t necessarily matter what my favorite posts for the year are. I’m more curious what has resonated with you.

So without being able to ask each and every one of you, I’ve compiled your top 10 posts from this year as determined by the good-old analytics on my site. And as before, I used the time period of December 2013 to November 2014.

I noticed that there was a fair overlap between this list and my own original list. I guess that’s a good sign!

Your list

10. Five reasons why you can’t afford to buy a home—Home-envy is a very powerful drive, and it can cause people to make bad decisions if they’re not careful. Here’s a check to see if you’re really ready.

9. Become a Trusted Traveler with NEXUS (and get your eyeballs scanned)—Oh, the things we do to be treated better in airports.

8 Is it better to travel alone or with others?—You won’t be surprised to hear that I’m of two minds on this, but here are the pros and cons of both.

7. Travel hacking to get to Buenos Aires (for cheap)—A story about how I helped my friend save hundreds of dollars on airfare by creative use of frequent flyer miles (and no credit cards).

6. Why would anyone buy loaded mutual funds?—I’m still waiting to hear a good answer from someone with no financial interest in the outcome.

5. Treat time like money—What would happen if you kept track of your time in the same way that I recommend you keep track of your finances?

4. You must fight the Tired—Because nothing will ever change if you don’t.

3. What I (re)learned from flying Business Class internationally—Some perspective gained from living the good life for a short period of time.

2. Why you don’t travel more—There are the reasons you give. And then there are the real reasons.

1. How to plan for award travel when you’re an infrequent flyer—So it will take you a few years to have enough miles to book an award? Where will you plan to go? And how?

Thanks for reading and sharing your stories! I look forward to hearing more from you in the year ahead.


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