
Why avoiding dealing with money doesn’t work (and what to do instead)

Many think that they can escape money stress through avoidance, but this can actually exacerbate stress. Here’s what you can do instead. If there’s one thing I know about how people deal with money, it’s that they love to avoid … Read MoreRead More

Treat time like money

  Any visitor to my home will notice a distinct lack of clocks. At some point during their visit (not a short time, because I assure you I am a deeply scintillating host), they will look around to see what … Read MoreRead More

How the handle the stress of budgeting

  I last talked about bare-bones living, and how it requires extra attention and care. But when you’re living so close to the edge, you’re dealing with a lot of stress as it is. So it can be tempting to … Read MoreRead More

How avoiding conflict can ruin everything

  Greetings from the Shinkansen. While on my travels, I got to talking with a guy who had lived in Japan for a while. We talked openly about our lives (in that way that happens surprisingly frequently in situations when … Read MoreRead More

How to handle unstructured time (when you finally get it)

  Busy.  That’s one word that seems to always follow us around.  How are you doing?  “Busy.”  What have you been up to?  “Man, I’ve been really busy.”  How come I don’t hear from you anymore?  “Sorry, I’ve just been … Read MoreRead More

How to survive the holiday travel season

  Frantic trips to the airport, layovers due to blizzards, crowds, plus an overwhelming sense of family obligation.  Yup, it must be the holiday season. … Read More