
Net pool

I would love to be out of a job

We have enough wealth to ensure that no one suffers from food or housing or even money insecurity. Until we do that, I’ll have a job. I love being a money coach. There are few things in life that make … Read MoreRead More


What would make you feel financially secure?

There are people for whom money is not a concern. (That’s great, except for the subset of people for whom money isn’t a concern but probably should be. I want you to feel financially secure, but only if you are financially secure.) … Read MoreRead More

The benefits of anxiety while flying

  For the past few years, I’ve flown over 25,000 miles each year, a respectable distance. With such a experience, you would think that I would have no problems with anxiety while flying. You would be wrong. But I consider … Read MoreRead More

How avoiding conflict can ruin everything

  Greetings from the Shinkansen. While on my travels, I got to talking with a guy who had lived in Japan for a while. We talked openly about our lives (in that way that happens surprisingly frequently in situations when … Read MoreRead More

How to handle unstructured time (when you finally get it)

  Busy.  That’s one word that seems to always follow us around.  How are you doing?  “Busy.”  What have you been up to?  “Man, I’ve been really busy.”  How come I don’t hear from you anymore?  “Sorry, I’ve just been … Read MoreRead More