
Why you want to keep a list of how you pay bills

Keeping a list of payment sources, what you use to pay bills, will eliminate any payment issues when you inevitably have to update your info. I find that a good deal of people’s money anxiety can be traced to feeling … Read MoreRead More

Statue blindfolded

How I tried to buy something totally anonymously online

My experiences with trying to buy something online without revealing anything about my identity, and why this is so difficult. (I talk about using products or services, but I received no commission for this. I do not do affiliate marketing. … Read MoreRead More

Pocket ledger

Keep a list of bill payment methods

So just like with expenses, there are a number of methods which can be used to pay bills. And there are pros and cons to each method. One of the issues that comes up with bill paying is that you … Read MoreRead More

$20 bill closeup

How to potentially double your money’s impact via lump sum debt reduction

It can be hard to visualize how paying a debt off works. There’s an interplay between principal and interest. You pay money to reduce the principal, but during that time, interest on the debt has piled up, reducing the impact … Read MoreRead More

Hula hoops

Technology isn’t the answer to our finance problems

I believe we live in a techno-uptopian society. By this, I mean that “technology” is seen as the answer to whatever ails us. How else to describe the over-inflation that is Silicon Valley (and its cousins Silicon Alley, Silicon Forest, … Read MoreRead More

Why signing up for an accelerated mortgage payment plan is a bad idea

  Did you ever notice how when you move and submit one of those change-of-address forms, your new mailbox is automatically inundated with tons of ads for unnecessary crap? Entreaties to sign up for services like the Gravel of the … Read MoreRead More