
Are you ready to lose your job?

Most of the important steps you need to take to handle a job loss happen before you lose your job. Here are those steps. A few years ago, I was let go from my full-time job. It had nothing to … Read MoreRead More

Energizer Bunny

How to move forward when you feel like the world is going to end

On a Tuesday morning in September, a little over 15 years ago, I was waking up for work. At the time, my alarm was set to play classic rock radio (I believe it was 94.1 WYSP). While I usually woke … Read MoreRead More

The grief of getting what you want

  It’s always nice to hear from people who are achieving their goals. Whether it’s getting through school, taking a trip across the world, or even finding a partner, it is always inspiring to hear these success stories. (Or at … Read MoreRead More

On losing a friend

  I’ve talked before about being grateful: for your health, for your security/safety, for your freedom, but most of all for your friends and family. You may think that your most important work is your job, career, hobbies, or art, … Read MoreRead More