job loss

Why we think that no one wants to work anymore

The current ongoing staffing and labor shortages lead some to assume that no one wants to work anymore, but the reality is much more damning. … Read More

Are you ready to lose your job?

Most of the important steps you need to take to handle a job loss happen before you lose your job. Here are those steps. A few years ago, I was let go from my full-time job. It had nothing to … Read MoreRead More

The known unknown: On preparation and getting laid-off

How financial preparation can lessen your anxiety when getting laid-off, and give you more choices and freedom to find your next path. Last year, I wrote about job loss, specifically the loss of a paycheck. I was tempted to call … Read MoreRead More


What to do when an emergency isn’t unexpected

I’ve long said that you can gauge whether something is an emergency if the following three “U” words describe the situation: Unexpected Urgent Unavoidable I use this metric to be able to distinguish between actual emergencies and things that feel like … Read MoreRead More