

Musings on personal finance and more...

I’m going to FinCon, because you are not a money nerd

Why I’m going to FinCon 2019, and the difference between money nerds and the majority of people who just want to make money work for them. I admit it, I’m a money nerd. I read money blogs, read books about … Read MoreRead More

If you’re looking forward to payday, you’re probably doing it wrong

I overheard a conversation recently about how someone was looking forward to payday, because they had “run out of money”. As always, I tend to wince when I hear people make financially questionable assertions: student loans are “good” debt, “I … Read More

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How to plan when you have irregular income

Respect to all the freelancers, DIYers, and people out there without a steady paycheck. Also, your life is, shall we say, more complicated. With irregular income comes anxiety. How much will you make this month? Will it be more or … Read MoreRead More

Would your future self say it’s too late now?

While it may seem like it’s too late for you to achieve your money goals, that’s not true. To prove this, think about your future self. When some of my peers turned 30, a common thread among some of them … Read MoreRead More

Don’t try to run out the clock on your finances

It’s a sobering statistic: 1 out of every 1 person dies. If you are of a certain age, and your finances are not where you want them to be, it is understandable that a certain feeling of helplessness can set … Read MoreRead More

The Roth IRA danger zone (part 2): What to do if you contributed too much

So we talked last time about the problems with being on the threshold of the Roth IRA income limits. If you make way too much or way too little, then you know where you stand in terms of being able … Read MoreRead More

The Roth IRA danger zone (part 1): What to do when you almost make too much to contribute

A Roth IRA is awesome. There are lots of reasons, but the main one is that your money can grow and be withdrawn tax-free. So whatever you have in your account, that’s yours. Got a hundred grand? You’ve got a … Read More

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Inviting the repo man in: Using a home equity loan to pay off credit card debt

Some people cut up their credit cards. Some people have them but keep them in a drawer. Some people may use them, but pay them off at the end of the month. I can see arguments for all of these, … Read MoreRead More

Is your money identity holding you back?

I recently read the Seth Godin book “This Is Marketing”. On the back cover, and throughout the book, is the phrase “People like us do things like this.” At first I thought this might have been some weird marketing cult … Read MoreRead More

How financial stability (might have) led me to become vegetarian

For much of my life, I was a dedicated “whatever-ivore”. I ate meat, because I ate everything. I wasn’t one of those people who ate bugs and the like, but it was part of my identity that restricting my food … Read MoreRead More

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