
Net pool

I would love to be out of a job

We have enough wealth to ensure that no one suffers from food or housing or even money insecurity. Until we do that, I’ll have a job. I love being a money coach. There are few things in life that make … Read MoreRead More

The politics in empathy

If there is any political alignment I have, it’s for views that allow for the most empathy. I believe that’s how most people can thrive. Money is political. There’s no getting around it. We need to acknowledge it and move … Read MoreRead More

Is money political?

It has become harder to separate the political from our building and maintaining wealth. Probably because money was always political. I’ve spent years trying to convince people that money is inherently emotional. You may think of a financial planner’s report, … Read MoreRead More


Okay, okay, I’ll talk about the tax bill

I’ve been avoiding it. I haven’t wanted to talk about it. I wanted to bury my head under a pillow and forget about the whole thing. But, alas, it’s just too relevant to our work here. So I’m going to … Read MoreRead More