

Musings on personal finance and more...

How to book an award ticket in 785 easy steps

  In my last post I talked about how adventure shouldn’t be postponed. To this end, I decided to redeem some of my frequent flyer miles for the first time ever. … Read More

Don’t let your adventures expire

  I’ve been collecting frequent flyer miles for over a decade, when I bought one of my first plane tickets on US Airways and absentmindedly signed up for their Dividend Miles program. At the time, it didn’t seem possible that … Read MoreRead More

Lift only one leg at a time, or how to move forward successfully

  One <blank> at a time. You can fill in the blank with many possible answers. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you recover from alcoholism or other diseases? One day at a … Read MoreRead More

Do you need to wear a suit to be seen as successful?

  I attended a “speed networking” event recently. This was a fundamentally new experience for me (both the “speed” and the “networking” aspect) but it was hosted by a guy I knew from the Art of Non-Conformity community, so it … Read MoreRead More

How credit cards are like alcohol

  Alcohol is dangerous; would anyone disagree? For me, while it’s something I’ve used from time to time, it’s never been something that I’ve felt like I had a problem with. I don’t have to keep going when I start. … Read MoreRead More

Who are you doing it for?

  After I impetuously signed up for the Seattle to Portland ride last week, I found myself out on my bike, experimentally riding a dozen or so miles along the Willamette River, and getting used to the idea that I … Read MoreRead More

Be comfortable making mistakes

  My step-brother-in-law is a pretty impressive guy. I don’t know him all that well (not that surprising given our slightly convoluted connection) but every time we meet up I hear about some interesting and complex project that he’s working … Read MoreRead More

Change your personal narrative

  I was that kid in gym class that never got picked for anything. When they absolutely had to pick everyone for some event, I would be almost dead last, my mortification saved only by a few kids seemingly even … Read MoreRead More

Why do you feel poor?

  Many people are feeling poor these days. “The down economy and all.” “So much debt.” “My rent keeps going up.” “Government taking more of my hard-earned money.” There are loads of reasons. There is a difference between feeling poor … Read MoreRead More

How to defeat the lawn mower army

  Walk outside your house and look around on your street. Chances are that you can see maybe a dozen houses. Now I want to let you in on a secret: Everyone of those houses probably has a lawn mower. … Read More

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