

Musings on personal finance and more...

Was the student loan moratorium bad for borrowers?

It's hard to argue that the student loan payment moratorium was somehow bad for borrowers. But some economists are still trying. … Read More

How not to be house poor

Home ownership can be a financial disaster if you're not careful, and one of the ways to prevent this is to not be "house poor". … Read More

You might now have less medical debt on your credit report

The three credit agencies give a benefit to those with outstanding medical debt, and in the process show how much power they wield over us. I’m on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) mailing list, mainly so you don’t have … Read MoreRead More

Will millennials benefit from the largest wealth transfer in history?

Millennials have gotten the short end of the economic stick for most of their adult lives. But this bad luck might be about to change. … Read More

What if you hate spreadsheets?

For those who want to track their spending but who hate spreadsheets, fear not, as you have multiple options. … Read More

3 reasons to ignore your bank’s spending categories

You should decide your own categories based on your specific situation. Also, your bank will always be wrong. … Read More

What is the I.B.E. Method for building wealth?

I describe the method I've used for over a decade on how to take control of your financial life so that you have the money you need to spend on what you want. … Read More

40 year mortgages are here (maybe). Would you want one?

To help more people afford homes, there is talk of a new 40 year mortgage product. This of course would not help who it is supposed to. … Read More

Do you know the difference between your needs and wants?

Spending can often be seen as a tension between "needs" and "wants", but aside from a few exceptions everything is a "want". And that's okay. … Read More

Would you even want to earn $1 million a year?

How massive income (like $1 million a year) sounds great in theory, until you learn what you need to do to get there. … Read More

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