

Musings on personal finance and more...

Is it worth it now to buy Bitcoin?

Despite the rise in price of Bitcoin, I urge caution against you trying to get rich quick, plus what you need to do before buying any crypto. Wow is Bitcoin trending in the news. First it was Bitcoin’s meteoric rise … Read MoreRead More

You’re not bad with money

I don’t believe that anyone is truly “bad with money”. Instead there are other things at work, which thankfully can be addressed. When I speak with people about whether we’re a good fit for working together, some version of this … Read MoreRead More

You need a budget, but do you need You Need A Budget?

I review You Need a Budget (YNAB) after having tried it for the very first time, and offer my thoughts on the service. “What money apps do you recommend I use?” is a question I get a fair amount. It’s … Read MoreRead More

Why a $15 minimum wage isn’t enough

While current political discussions in the U.S. involve whether to raise the $15 minimum wage, I argue that that doesn’t go far enough. I’ve been watching the recent political wrangling around the new federal economic relief bill. Looks like now … Read MoreRead More

You can’t pay off your debt until you do this first

If you’re trying to pay off debt without making sure that you’ve done all the necessary work first, you’ll never make any progress. Debt looms large in our financial thoughts. For example, in a list of 50 hashtags in the … Read MoreRead More

When a financial advisor won’t talk to you, I will.

Financial advisors typically won’t work with those who may not have a lot of assets. In contrast, a financial coach can work with anymore. If a client needs a financial advisor, I will do my best to refer them on. … Read MoreRead More

Why I no longer do pro bono coaching

While in a perfect world I would offer my services pro bono, charging for money coaching will more likely ensure your own success. I recently had someone reach out to me and, in effect, ask me to justify my rates. … Read MoreRead More

Why you could benefit from a spending reset

It’s easy to spend based on emotions or with a lack of intention, so a spending reset can help you reconnect with what’s important to you. I’ve done some fun experiments with money over the years. I’m thinking most specifically … Read MoreRead More

Why it’s time to stop your scarcity mindset

The scarcity mindset is related not only to personal dissatisfaction but also to societal wealth inequality, so it’s time to put an end to it. As time goes on, I become less interested in the things that save you $5 … Read MoreRead More

If you were automatically enrolled in an IRA, would you opt-out?

A look at the state-run auto-IRA plans and whether they are a net benefit for employees who don’t have (or utilize) other retirement options. Not everyone has access to a workplace-retirement account like a 401(k). A few years ago, I … Read MoreRead More

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