
Why Vanguard doesn’t offer crypto products

With Bitcoin ETFs now available, a institution offers a glimpse inside its product development process, and smacks down crypto in the process. … Read More

It’s not enough to deposit money in your investment accounts

If you just deposit money in your investment account’s settlement fund and stop there, it could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. … Read More

Do you really need that many mutual funds?

I look at “lazy portfolios” as an option for people who want the simplest and easiest way to invest in the market. (Note: This is not investment advice. Please see my Disclosure Policy for details.) Recently, I took a look … Read MoreRead More

The Roth IRA danger zone (part 4): How to withdraw an excess contribution at Vanguard

After having decided to remove my Roth IRA excess contribution, I went through the process at Vanguard for making it happen. More posts in this series: The Roth IRA danger zone (part 1): What to do when you almost make … Read MoreRead More

The Roth IRA danger zone (part 3): How I resolved an excess contribution

With a number of different ways to resolve this problematic situation, here is how I dealt with an excess contribution to a Roth IRA. More posts in this series: The Roth IRA danger zone (part 1): What to do when … Read MoreRead More

Ship mast

There is a race to the bottom in mutual fund fees, and we all win

I’ve always believed that in business you can compete on price or you can compete on quality, but never both. Which is why we have basic economy on airplanes (which are as cheap as possible and as a consequence are … Read MoreRead More

Carnegie Library

How to know when it’s time to rollover your old retirement plan

A little over a decade ago, I had a job with a university. I participated in their retirement plan, a 403(b) plan with TIAA-CREF (now TIAA). I still have this account. As I moved to a different job, I started … Read MoreRead More


A Vanguard benefit for those without “elite” status

So Vanguard has “elite” status tiers with extra benefits for those who qualify. The tiers start at $50,000. But $50,000 is a lot of money to many of you. Me too. And while it’s nothing approaching the roughly $1,000,000 that … Read MoreRead More

Magic carpet ride

You can get “elite” status…with Vanguard

I’m an unsophisticated investor, but I consider that a good thing. I’d rather do something simple that has a proven track record, rather than go for big bets that are unproven and even more risky. After all, this is my … Read MoreRead More


How to open a Roth IRA with Vanguard

I’ve made no secret about a number of things: Retirement planning is something we need to do, and right now. The best way for everyone to plan for retirement is through investing. A Roth IRA is an investment vehicle that … Read MoreRead More