

Is fear of losing money (or love) the only thing you’ve gained?

We all have started out with some level of privilege. Whether it’s the privilege of being born in a middle class home, being born tall or extremely good looking, or even just being born in a country where water was … Read MoreRead More

How badly do you want it?

  Stop for a second and think about what you want most. It could be worldly or ethereal, it doesn’t matter. And to be clear, I mean the first idea that came to mind. Don’t skip over it because you … Read MoreRead More

What is the difference between a friend and a love?

  The standard social model is as follows: You have a large number of acquaintances, followed by a smaller number of close friends, and then at the top: the single solitary love. Putting aside the acquaintances for now, it’s the … Read MoreRead More

Lift only one leg at a time, or how to move forward successfully

  One <blank> at a time. You can fill in the blank with many possible answers. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you recover from alcoholism or other diseases? One day at a … Read MoreRead More

How to use induced demand to your advantage

  In my last post I talked about induced demand, the counter-intuitive idea that when there is a greater supply of a resource, more of it is used.  I see this most often in discussion of transportation issues, where people … Read MoreRead More

What highway congestion can teach you about your goals

  Many of you spend a large chunk of your life stuck in traffic.  And I feel for you; I lived in New York City with a car for seven years, and while I never commuted to work using my … Read MoreRead More

How to be grateful

  All throughout my childhood Thanksgiving dinners, I was asked to be grateful.  Grateful for our food, our health, our families, whatever.  And I don’t know if other people felt the same way as I did, but it always felt … Read MoreRead More