
Affiliate links, or can you trust anyone online?

  A little while back, I wrote a post where I mentioned AwardWallet, a service that keeps tracks of all your different loyalty accounts (airline miles, hotel points, etc.) I’m a huge fan of AwardWallet, and have used them for … Read MoreRead More

The complicated ethics of peer-to-peer lending

  “If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not be like a moneylender; charge him no interest.” – Exodus 22:25 “Neither a borrower nor a lender be, For loan oft loses both … Read MoreRead More

How to determine the ethics of a situation

  I’m no ethicist. Or rather, I’m no different in my qualifications than anyone else to make these kind of judgments. Chuck Klosterman, who at some point while I wasn’t looking became the writer of the New York Times The … Read MoreRead More

Is it possible to be an ethical investor?

  “Vote with your wallet.” “Put your money where your mouth is.” Where we spend our money matters. I’m assuming that there are certain companies that do not align with your personal ethical code, so you would not want to … Read MoreRead More

Travel hacking to challenge your ethics

  The speaker was talking about a particular product, and was asking the crowd how many of this product the members of the audience had. A show of hands. One person in the crowd asked: “Isn’t that product limited to one … Read MoreRead More

On financial prudence (or why I’m probably not cut out to be a travel hacker)

  I love talking about travel hacking, which I define as strategies of acquiring travel experiences creatively, for less than than the usual cost. It’s pretty awesome actually. I’ve utilized some tricks that have allowed me to stay in nice … Read MoreRead More