
Fleet week airplanes

How to search dozens of airports at once to figure out where to travel

Most of the time, we know where we want to fly. We want to find the right price, and we also usually have a little bit of play in the date and time. But what about the times when you … Read MoreRead More

Clearing customs before boarding? US preclearance at Dublin Airport

  The standard way to reenter the US when flying is as follows: 1. Check in 2. Go through security 3. Fly 4. Go through customs What this means, in a practical sense is: 1. Wait in line 2. Wait … Read MoreRead More

The importance of reconnecting with the joys of flight

  It seems obvious to the point of banality to complain about air travel these days. From the dehumanizing and pointless security to the dehumanized and surly people (both employees and fellow travelers). The lines. The screaming kids. The delays. … Read MoreRead More

Become a Trusted Traveler with NEXUS (and get your eyeballs scanned)

  A few months ago, I wrote about my experience signing up for NEXUS, the joint border clearance program between the US and Canada that allows for expedited travel in, out, and between the two countries. The process for getting … Read MoreRead More

The best deals are hidden

  I landed at Oslo Airport some weeks ago. My destination was the center of town, but Oslo (like most cities) positioned its main airport way on the outskirts of town (over 20 miles away in this case), so I … Read MoreRead More

Is it worth it to purchase lounge access?

  As mentioned in the discussion of my failed attempt at extending my airline lounge access, I had purchased lounge access for a year, and had enjoyed the experience. But I balked at renewing my membership. It just seemed like … Read MoreRead More

How (and why) to avoid taxis when traveling

  I have a few informal rules when traveling. One of them is to never take a taxi. Taxis, to me, equate with a kind of failure. Harsh? Perhaps. But it’s nothing personal, I just see it as a personal … Read MoreRead More

Why I still opt-out at airports

  (Update: I don’t need to opt-out anymore because I have NEXUS.) In response to the terror attacks of 2001, airport security came under intense scrutiny. In the US, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was formed, which was mandated to … Read MoreRead More