

Why I’m signing up for a personal finance course

UPDATE (January 27, 2020): Finally published a review of this course. Michael Hyatt, the author and publisher, likes to say that “not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers“. By this, I’ve always interpreted it to mean that … Read MoreRead More

Prius toy car

Why buying my car wasn’t (totally) a good financial decision

I own a 2004 Toyota Prius. It’s not a flashy car, at least it isn’t these days. It’s two models behind the current Prius, for one, and the Prius brand isn’t as flashy as, say, Tesla, these days. But I’m … Read MoreRead More

Road atlas

Why it’s okay to make a bad financial decision (sometimes)

I was pretty hard recently on people leasing cars. That’s because I feel very strongly about how it’s a decision that can have a significant negative financial effect on one’s life. And not only that, but the implications of and … Read MoreRead More


Why not lease a car and then buy it?

If it wasn’t obvious, my post on reasons to lease a car wasn’t really in support of leasing a car, as I think that’s one of more financially foolish moves one can make, even worse than buying a new car. After … Read MoreRead More


Here are 4 reasons to lease a car

So your car is dying, and you have decided that you need a new one. You’ve looked at buying used, you’ve looked at buying new, and then you’ve also thought of leasing. Is leasing right for you? … Read More

Red and purple

When savings rates change, is it time to switch banks?

So we all now know to not keep our savings in a big bank, or other entity that clearly doesn’t care about keeping your business. But what if you’ve already done this? What if you have your savings accounts in … Read MoreRead More

Subway train blur

It’s not worth it to be dishonest

I just finished reading The Big Short, about the U.S. mortgage bubble/crisis in the late 2000s. I don’t know how I never got around to reading it before now, but there’s always more books to read. It’s hard not to … Read MoreRead More

Direction sign

6 reasons why you could benefit from a financial coach

Financial coaching will benefit you, no matter where you are in your financial journey. Here’s why coaching is for everyone. Let’s be honest, you could use a little help. Given our current economy, there’s a good chance you’re working hard … Read More

Fancy cars

When is it time to buy a new car?

Never. Okay okay, I’ll resist the easy joke. Is there a case for buying a new car? Sure there is. There just isn’t much of one. And it probably doesn’t apply to you. … Read More