

Musings on personal finance and more...

Was the 401(k) a mistake?

The 401(k) is the best option that most people have for saving for retirement. But its introduction may have been a mistake. … Read More

You’ll want to keep your car even longer now

Due to rising costs, people are keeping their cars longer and not replacing them as often. This is actually a good thing. … Read More

Secure 2.0: Can you save for retirement while paying off your debt?

I used to believe you couldn't pay off debt and save for retirement, but new legislation through the Secure 2.0 Act is making me reconsider. … Read More

The 1% Rule: How to know when to move your money

Not every deal necessitates the hassle of moving your money or accounts around, but the 1% Rule is a good threshold to keep in mind. … Read More

What to do if your information is found on the dark web

How to keep yourself safe in the hyperbolic world of credit alerts and potential dangers, specifically surrounding the dark web. … Read More

How to have regular income (even when you own your own business)

When you own a business, it can be tempting to take your business income as your own, but setting up regular income is a better system. … Read More

Why isn’t every financial professional a fiduciary?

As new laws strengthen rules on being a fiduciary and acting in a client's best interest, it's harder to justify working with anyone else. … Read More

How much math skills do you need to be good with money?

Fear or distaste for math doesn't need to prevent you from being good with money, because you don't need that much in the way of math skills. … Read More

Should you do financial coaching with or without your partner?

It's worth determining how much of the financial coaching journey you want to go on involves your partner, or you and you alone. … Read More

Why Vanguard doesn’t offer crypto products

With Bitcoin ETFs now available, a institution offers a glimpse inside its product development process, and smacks down crypto in the process. … Read More

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