Where to go from here


I always try to keep my posts focused on you, and how I can use the few things I’ve learned to help you out. I use my antics as a jumping off point, but let’s be honest, if this site were just about me, the only people who would be reading would be my friends and family, and then only politely so!

But, on the anniversary of my site’s founding, I think it’s a good time to briefly reflect not just on all the things I did this year, but on all that’s possible that I haven’t done yet.

A to-do-list

So here are some things that have been on my mind and on my to-do list:

Writing guest posts. My friend Saul, who you may recall from our conversation about debt, is also relatively new to the blogging scene, and yet he is everywhere, writing posts on other sites and growing his readership accordingly. I don’t quite know how I can sustainably write guest posts on other blogs without detracting from my own output here. I’ve been thinking of temporarily switching to a once-weekly format, but am not sure if that would be a slippery slope toward blog death. Which is obviously something I don’t want. But this is one great way that I could engage more people.

Creating products. You may have noticed that I have lots of advice on how to get your financial life in order so that you can kick ass and accomplish anything you want. I gave a seminar on this topic a few months ago for The Puttytribe, and would love to do more of that sort of thing. Webinars, downloadable e-books, and other products are all on the table. I’d like to give away free things, but have not ruled out the possibly of getting some super special things for a reasonable price.

Contests. Everyone likes free stuff, of course, but perhaps I can offer some giveaways here. My friend Rami has been doing this recently, and it seems like a lot of fun.

More coaching. As you may know, I offer one-on-one integrative financial coaching, where we not only get your finances in line, but also work to heal your relationship with money. It is by far the most satisfying work I’ve ever done with anyone, and I’m excited to promote it more, and work with more clients.


What would you like to see here? I want this site to be a fun and informative place. I want everyone to feel comfortable discussing how we can all make our lives and those around us better and more fulfilling, and fight against the pressures that keep us from doing this.

How can I help? Please leave a comment below (or send me a message) and let’s chat.

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