
Why you should get a refund and not store credit

When you make a return, many retailers want to refund your money to store credit or a gift card, but here’s why you don’t want to do that. I had to return an item the other day on Amazon. It … Read MoreRead More

How to find out if you (or anyone really) are owed money by the state

I still fondly recall those late night TV infomercials about how you can get free money from the government. Now, as I’m learning, there may be something to all that. Because it turns out there are legitimate, state-run websites out … Read MoreRead More

What is the purpose of a refundable airline ticket?

  I always want to write about topics that are interesting and useful to my readers, but I also know that everyone is at different places. Some people are working on getting out of debt, so things like investing and … Read MoreRead More