
Is financial fitness more important than physical fitness?

I talk about how our culture leads people to focus unnecessarily on weight loss, instead of their own financial wellness. There are countless analogies between money wellness and health wellness. There’s a financial coaching outfit called The Financial Gym, which … Read MoreRead More

The uncommon color of the swan

I don’t how to talk about the current health crisis better than anyone else, but I still want to acknowledge the reality we’re living in. I don’t know if you know this, but black swans do in fact exist. Unfortunately, … Read MoreRead More

Tissue box

To your good health

I talk a lot (endlessly, some might say) about how to change your habits and make massive changes in your life, specifically with money. Being wealthy isn’t about making a ton of money (ask any NFL star who filed for … Read MoreRead More

Spend more for food

  When I lived in New York City, money was a big concern, and food was a big part of that. I never went out to restaurants, and in fact the once-monthly trip to the grocery store was a big … Read MoreRead More

Lift only one leg at a time, or how to move forward successfully

  One <blank> at a time. You can fill in the blank with many possible answers. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you recover from alcoholism or other diseases? One day at a … Read MoreRead More