bill bryson

How will you spend your time in retirement?

While preparing for the financial aspect of retirement is important, it’s also vital to figure out how you’ll spend your time too. When you think of retirement, what comes to mind? (Okay, you probably are feeling some dread that you’ll … Read MoreRead More

Empathy noses

The one thing we all need more of now

(I had another post queued up for today, and right at the almost-literal 11th hour, I decided there was something else I wanted to say. So I pushed that one off for another time.) Today is Thanksgiving in the U.S. For … Read MoreRead More

When cultural expectations don’t fit

  I was at the gym the other day, and as all the machines were pointed toward the TVs, I watched for a little while. Yes, I know this was my first mistake. Actually, the show was quite compelling. It … Read MoreRead More

Why no one walks (or, this land was not made for you or me)

  Recently, I spent some time in a small city in the US Southeast. Stationed in a hotel a few miles from the center of town and without a car, I spent a few days negotiating the area on foot. … Read MoreRead More

Van Gogh was a poseur, or why it’s okay to be a novice

  I often hear people being reluctant to start something new.  “I’m afraid I’m going to do it wrong,” is usually how the hesitation displays itself.  I know that feeling myself, of course, having a whole host of things that … Read MoreRead More