Unlikely Audio Episode 1: Saul of Hearts on reclaiming focus from technology


I’m really excited about this post today, because we’re trying something different. For the first time ever, we have an audio edition of Unlikely Radical called Unlikely Audio.

(As an aside, does anyone else want to find a better term than “podcast”?)

Today’s show is a conversation with Saul of Hearts, an author, blogger, and community organizer. We’re talking about technology and social media and the hold they exert on us, and more specifically on Saul’s recent changes in lifestyle to prevent them from taking over his life.

If you’ve ever found that you find you’re pulling out your phone and reflexively refreshing your apps without even knowing it, you definitely don’t want to miss this episode.

Saul and I have had online conversations before (see our series on debt: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) but this is the first time that we’ve done it in audio form. I hope you enjoy.

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Want more Unlikely Audio? Have an idea for a future episode? Let me know!

One Comment

  1. mpinard

    Great job on the first episode, Mike! Made for interesting listening…

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