
It’s not what you think: Store closings and retail crime

Recent store closings said to be due to theft and organized retail crime are misleading, meant to shift blame away from the businesses. … Read More

The Target problem: Managing (over)spending at the Everything Store

Target and other big retailers that sell a wide range of products present a challenge to those who wish to track their spending. Target has been around for decades, but it only hit my radar in college, when the first … Read MoreRead More

Is it subversive to repair things?

  I had the pleasure of stopping by a “repair cafe” this past weekend. A repair cafe is an event that matches up people who can repair things with people who need things repaired. Organized by RepairPDX, a local organization … Read MoreRead More

Spend more for food

  When I lived in New York City, money was a big concern, and food was a big part of that. I never went out to restaurants, and in fact the once-monthly trip to the grocery store was a big … Read MoreRead More