
The true stars of the Seattle to Portland bike ride

  I took part in the Seattle to Portland bike ride this past weekend. The temptation right now is to talk about how you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. That no matter the obstacles, you can do … Read MoreRead More

Why cities are better experienced on the surface

  I talked about bike share in New York City, and how it has the potential to change the fabric of the street. But I also didn’t test it out myself, as I lacked a helmet. Lame, I know, but … Read MoreRead More

Why bike share will change cities (for the better)

  New York City has recently rolled out a new bike sharing program. Bike share is something that even bike-crazy Portland doesn’t yet have, and as I’ve been in NYC this past week, I was very curious about it. Plus … Read MoreRead More

Why rail trails are great, sort of

  The Springwater Corridor Trail is a rail trail in the Portland area. It starts out on the eastern waterfront, and follows the Willamette River south for about 4 miles before turning inland along Johnson Creek, through the towns of … Read MoreRead More

Change your personal narrative

  I was that kid in gym class that never got picked for anything. When they absolutely had to pick everyone for some event, I would be almost dead last, my mortification saved only by a few kids seemingly even … Read MoreRead More