
Coinstar is for wimps. Count your own change.

Okay cadets, get in formation! We’ve got work to do. Fallllll in! Graaaaaab rolls! Coooooount coins! Sorry, I was just having fun for a change. (Sorry about that too.) … Read More


5 things about money that are strange when you start to think about them

I typically think about money in terms of what it can do for people, but sometimes, I think about money itself, in the abstract. Kind of like this guy: Watch this video on YouTube Okay, actually not at all like … Read MoreRead More


What pennies taught me about the problem of private interest in government

I long for the days where it seemed like we fully funded the federal government to do its job or serving its people and keeping private interests in check. I think so much good could come from another set of … Read MoreRead More