Amazon Prime

Simple financial moves: Cancel Amazon Prime

Cancelling Amazon Prime is one simple way of taking back control of your finances from a company that entices you to spend without thinking. … Read More

Smart speakers are terrible for your finances

I discuss smart speakers and how easy it is to spend money unintentionally (and potentially recklessly) with them. Leading the list on the worst blog ideas for me to write would be one with reviews of the latest tech gadgets. … Read MoreRead More

Amazon Prime doesn’t save you money

You may think you’re getting one over on them when you have Amazon Prime, but Amazon is laughing all the way to the bank. I want you to cancel your Amazon Prime subscription. I don’t say this because I hate … Read MoreRead More

Is it time for a Slow Shipping movement?

I propose the creation of a Slow Shipping movement, like the Slow Food movement, to promote the pleasure of waiting for items to arrive. Have you heard of AliExpress? I hadn’t until recently. As far as I can tell, it’s … Read MoreRead More

Why Amazon is starting to remind me of the mob

If you recall my time on the Slow Carb Diet, you may recall that I’m a big fan of Vega protein powder. The one I use has a good amount of greens and antioxidants, a tasty flavor without sugar, and … Read MoreRead More