I’m excited to announce that I’ve written an e-book!
This manifesto-sized book is called “Stick It To The Man! A primer on how to live and thrive inside the system.” It’s full of ideas and meditations on practicing abundance, making effective decisions, healing your relationship to money, making movement happen in your life, and much more. It’s a distillation of the topics I’ve returned to over and over again since starting this site almost two years ago (almost 200 posts and counting!)

And the best part? I’m giving it away for FREE.
To get it, just sign up for my mailing list. You can find the signup on the right side of this page. (Or if you’re reading this in an RSS feed or other alternate reader, just head back to the site.) You’ll receive a download link right after signup.
You’ll also get weekly updates and occasional other goodies. And nothing else; I will never sell or share your email address, and won’t spam you ever. You can also easily unsubscribe, but I’m confident you’ll like what you get.
This project has been a long time in coming, and I’m very happy to have it finally see the light of day. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful. If you do, I’d love to hear about it. You can also tweet me at @unlikelyradical.
Thanks! I’ll keep it short today, and be back next time with more “Practical Strategies for Sticking It To The Man” on my normal schedule, every Monday and Thursday.