
When is it time to let your dream die?

  Wow, is it just me, or is this time of the year been full of upheaval? Between people moving, relationships changing structure, and others switching jobs, it seems that nothing is nailed down. Maybe that’s what happens every year … Read MoreRead More

The wisdom of tenacity

  You’re probably tempted to quit right now. I don’t even know what it is you’re trying to do, whether it’s build an audience for your blog, become noticed as a musician, or trying to find a special someone. No … Read MoreRead More

Send out more demos, or how to make things happen

  Some years ago, I engaged in a lengthy interview/fanboy email correspondence with Pete Fijalkowski, singer of the enormously under-appreciated 90’s-era British band Adorable.  This being before the days of social media ubiquity, it was a rarity to be able … Read MoreRead More

Van Gogh was a poseur, or why it’s okay to be a novice

  I often hear people being reluctant to start something new.  “I’m afraid I’m going to do it wrong,” is usually how the hesitation displays itself.  I know that feeling myself, of course, having a whole host of things that … Read MoreRead More