With the new year approaching, it’s time not only to reflect on the year that’s passed, but it’s also time to look at where you are today and see if it’s still working for you. What would you like to change? Are there aspects of your life that aren’t working for you anymore?
This can be big. Maybe you’ve realized that you don’t like where you are in your career. Maybe you’ve come to the idea that it’s time to start a new relationship, or move on in your current one.
But there can be small revelations too. For example, I’m looking at my phone, and thinking: What am I doing with this dumbphone that I purchased years ago? Isn’t it time I got more with the times?
Table of Contents
My phone, a brief history
I bought my phone in the summer of 2010. That summer, I was visiting Portland, a city I would eventually move to the following year. I wanted something solid but inexpensive, performant but not showy (this sort of sums up my life).
I ended up with the Samsung t139, a phone that exceeded all of my expectations. How many times do we buy a piece of technology these days for $30 and still get daily use out of it six years later? Can we count up to never?

And this phone still works today. In fact, I’m using it to receive texts as I write this.
And yet, the call of the new and the updated is loud and all-pervasive. And the desire to not feel too out-of-date, too hampered by past decisions, is strong.
In with the new
Last week, I purchased a new phone. It came in a white box. Stark, the box contained on its sturdy frame a picture of the phone and not much else. It was striking.
And it was new. Unused. All mine.
Was it worth all the cost? It felt like it did, but I couldn’t be sure. This was, after all, the first new phone I had bought in six years.
But a phone, whether we like it or not, is a personal statement. And I wanted to make sure that this would shine on me in the most accurate light possible.
Frissons of excitement filled me as I opened the box. You know that moment well, I’m sure.
Are you ready for the big reveal? Are you ready to see what my new phone, one that I may have for years to come, is?
I’m so excited to show it to you. Here it is:

Built in 2013, this was a new-in-box unit that I grabbed off eBay for around $30. So it’s definintely more up-to-date, and at least up-to-date enough for me.
It’s quad-band, so I’ll be potentially able to use it when I go overseas. And with its 100MB of memory, I’ll be able to play music on it, something I’ve never been able to do before. (Ten songs in your pocket, hey!) Finally, it’s 3G, and reviews say that it has excellent sound quality for phone calls. And that’s of course, the most important part.
What? Did you think I was going to buy a smartphone? Why would I want to do something like that?

Happy New Year everyone!
I wish you another year full of sticking to your beliefs and principles, no matter how unpopular they might be.
As always, question everything, even yourself, but don’t be afraid to own your own truth. You will find acceptance here. Everything else will fall into place.